Saturday, April 23, 2011

post d'introduction

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emily James. You can look at my profile for information about me, but let me tell you this right off the bat. I've led a varied and complicated life compared to most 25yr olds. I'm not complaining; it's made me who I am, but I will say this...I often feel about 5yrs older than I actually am.
I'm trying to enjoy this in certain ways, but also have a little more fun while I'm still in my 20's. (Suggestions are always appreciated.)  =)
I'm engaged to a wonderful man who does his best to understand and accept my quirks (and admit it when I stump him!) and I lead a quiet, happy life in a relatively small town in the midwest.
As always, life has it's shadows. When I was a teenager, I struggled with disordered eating (never a full blown eating disorder) and I seemed to be a magnet for unrequited love. I'm glad to have left that angsty life behind, but I still have a flair for the dramatic, the extreme, and I have to watch it lest I push people away who are simply trying to keep me grounded.
I have a daughter, Rose, who passed away from SIDS, which almost killed me too, so some of my posts will pertain to that. I miss her everyday and yet....I can still smile; I can still laugh, run, jump, and plan a wedding, which will always be a mystery to me.
I want nothing more than to be a mother again, but, for now, we (fiance and I) are waiting. I know we'll be great parents when the time feels right.
I hope this blog helps some, encourages healthy debate, and encourages those who are in pain to look towards the light and find hope.


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